mature enough time to jump on the lists

When S2 lasted two months neweason Blizzard wants at least twice as long as we do? Again on the seasons, I would like to share some information about length of time. We found generally in the season one was on the long side, and a second season on the short side. We want to have a balance between many points of time, as we can all travel together, but also mature enough time to jump on the lists. We look forward to the third season of at least four months. Although the term of office is not yet known, we plan to return in two weeks in the season 3 ends noticed. In the classroom, as well as creating new RuneScape players or gross natural numbers and try to reach as many people at the end. Rankings keep track of what went Runescape players or even most of the results, most of the progress of the great apostasy. Usually accompanied by a number of benefits, including a period called hegemony. While favorites like / hate Speed ​​Racer and greed / return Avaritia is, and we've added several new Blizzard's Diablo 3 online some of conquest S3 is new. 'For example, one day requires six legendary jewel level to level 40, and ending the Curse! Require killed 300 or more damned monster in the chest at 70 in torment VI. 'Season 3 characters, see the book legend is not available for non-seasonal characters. Here is a list of some of the new or modified legend of books for you: the heritage of the deceased - Many ball bounced twice enemy without health afraid of 50-60% iron - Stomps the ground causing AvalancheNagelring - call crazy crash next to you every 12 seconds obsidian round tower - the first hit with the cast of the source of attacks on other expenses reduces the cooldown of your own skills by one second blessing of Haull - Justice is blessed with a hammer as absurd and enemyRanslor L Energy Hurricane periodically withdrawn enemies in 30 fingers touching the yard of the little man - a giant Gargantuans place calls three smaller ones, each more powerful than Guard the original spirit - your soul to minimize the damage by 30-40% for 3/2 of participants in season three generators also gets new awards treatments.