the game has given me since its release
In truth I’m becoming increasingly ambivalent towards Destiny as time goes on due to the way in which DLC has been portioned off in the year following its launch. However, ultimate team coins my misgivings and criticism over the upcoming expansions and their pricing, especially for UK gamers, does not detract from the genuine enjoyment the game has given me since its release.
From its initial release Destiny has been a fairly divisive game and although I would agree it is low on content for what it is trying to achieve I do think the mechanics of Destiny are often overlooked and underrated. At its base Destiny is a very solid shooter which is hardly unexpected considering the pedigree of developers Bungie but I don’t believe being a thoroughly enjoyable shooter should ever be played down.
I’ve put a lot of hours into Destiny, with my main of three characters clocking over 12 days game time and for the most part I loved every minute of that time spent in the universe. Playing with friends certainly helped that feeling and I likely wouldn’t have put in those hours without people to play with but the world had to be there for us to enjoy in the first place and whether it was popping the helmets off Cabal in the deserts of Mars or killing Atheon in the Vault of Glass I had a lot of fun.