may be able to explain why many hand balls

This is logical because an accidental or incidental handling of the ball is, by definition, not intentional and sometimes unavoidable during the course of a FIFA 15 game, and it follows that to penalise a FIFA player in absence of a positive act or the FIFA player “doing something”, is inherently imbalanced and unfair. However, it must be asked, is this the current view in FIFA today or should a new approach be taken?Firstly we must ask if it is necessary for the handling of the ball to be deliberate in order to amount to a foul or if there are circumstances where a strict interpretation of the rule would be difficult or inappropriate. Take for example, the situation where a FIFA player has the ball struck against his arm from close proximity; the FIFA player has not intended to handle the ball and it was most likely unavoidable in the circumstances. However, if this instance occurs on the goal line then the FIFA player prevents what would otherwise be a goal to the opposing FIFA 15 ultimate team.Nevertheless, following a strict interpretation of the rules, this should not be a foul and FIFA play should continue. This situation would be unacceptable to almost any observer, as a FIFA player is able to gain a significant advantage, even if accidental, by means that are strictly prohibited in other laws of the FIFA 15 game, and this is generally recognised by referees and may be able to explain why many hand balls are given, as contact with a FIFA player’s arm has consequently gained them an advantage in subsequent FIFA play. This is significant because it runs contrary to what is meant to be the test for handling of the ball, and it suggests that whether there was intent should not be in the definition found in the laws of the FIFA 15 game. This is confusing and leads to legitimately questionable decisions and further inconsistencies as it leaves greater scope for interpretation of the law when applied to different incidents. We can all remember when such a decision was given against our FIFA 15 ultimate team right?Additionally, not only is the necessary use of intent or 'deliberate act 'debatable in establishing handling of fifa 15 coins the ball, but its interpretation could also be controversial. What is deliberate, and what evidence is there for referees and onlookers to conclude that contact between the ball and the hand or arm was deliberate contact? The question here is whether, as an accepted concept and rule, the contents of the laws of the FIFA 15 game are sufficient enough to decide what is deliberate and whether this is a workable definition during a FIFA 15 game.To aid interpretation and application for referees, FIFA has added in its interpretation manual several points of consideration; we shall focus on the first three. The first, 'the movement of the hand towards the ball’, is very clear and difficult to argue against.