They can jump right into the Warlords of Draenor expansion

As Blizzard points out, though, they've had the Runesaber in FFXIV Gil the works for awhile."A lot of people have been excited for the mount since it was originally datamined in the 6.1 files back in February, and we actually get pretty regular questions on when it'll arrive," said community manager Bashiok. "Originally it was planned to release much earlier but we decided to wait as it'd potentially add some complexities while we're still trying to launch the WoW Token in all regions (Korea and Taiwan had the WoW Token launch yesterday, for example). So the next available release timeframe was next week, and that's what we [went] with."If anything, we're bound to see more optional cash purchases in WoW rather than less in the future. With fewer Final Fantasy XIV players paying for subscriptions, Blizzard is finding alternate ways to boost their revenue. They might have fewer Final Fantasy XIV players playing the game so they're trying to find ways to make more money off that smaller Final Fantasy XIV player base.For years, Blizzard has made money on the side off World of Warcraft services like realm transfers and cosmetic items like pets or mounts. In the past year, they've also introduced $60 boosts that instantly raise a character to level 90 so they can jump right into the Warlords of Draenor expansion. Last month, they introduced Tokens that Final Fantasy XIV players can purchase with real-world money. Tokens, which provide 30 days of game time, can be sold on the auction house to other Final Fantasy XIV players for gold. The Final Fantasy XIV players who buy Tokens with gold can therefore avoid paying for subscriptions.It seems unlikely that Blizzard's ever going to completely remove WoW's subscription. It seems they'd rather go with this hybrid approach and keep the steady revenue that millions of subscribers bring.