English What game modes include beta
Enjoy! World source of speed - Answers to wet wipes, cars, invitations and beta are still waiting for a lot of Runescape players are eagerly awaiting the launch of the closed beta for their upcoming MMO racing game world speed. Setting a date there is still no, but you can get the latest Q amp. Developer some information. On the official website of the speed of the world, it is the development of the first part of the question and answer session on the Internet, which has a variety of information for Runescape players interested Team feet. Failure right at the beginning: once again chosen a date for the closed beta - for a long time can not be taken so far as it was originally planned testing phase at the end of 2014. Finally, the crucial question beantwortet.Untenstehend find a summary of the questions posed to him, including their response to the German, and perhaps the second or third. The original can be found on the side of My.com publishers - There is, however, in English What game modes include beta -. There will be a media Runescape player and one of the teams, which all vary greatly. If, how and when to expand the range, also depends on the interest of the group I got my ab.Werde closed beta to open beta progress and can take? No upgrades are removed and change parts, cars and all the other things after the closed beta of the judiciary -. However, this move will offer open beta in the final version dürfen.Heißt This means that there will be an open beta? - Yes, after a closed beta event, there will be an open beta, the actual final test before wird.Wie many Runescape players in the beta version allows - the first stage of testing will remain relatively small. For more beta, the more Runescape players there may be one method teilnehmen.Wird win the primary beta - such contests are very popular in any case when the masses, and thus are always Runescape players stattfinden.Wie the specified access to the beta - for the first test, the most active members of society and called. This active does not mean, however, that one of the most wins posts in the forum but you should always show great interest in the Runescape game. Wants to be sure that you will play one more beta and can provide valuable feedback to the development team. Who were not invited in the first test, however, may at any time take part in another phase werden.Welchen limit the scope of the beta tester - stage the first test to test, especially the primitive elements of the Runescape game - server stability, racing events, and reconciliation between the general function of the client, and the Runescape game is at this time will be much lesser extent, which can not be compared with the course content to release kann. CBT and OBT bekommt test any bonus - it is there for sure, but only later vorgestellt.Mit detailed how many cars that could lead to beta - First is planned about 15-20 cars, which should provide a good glimpse of the possibilities of the Runescape game. Above all, the number is more than the progress that you can achieve kann.Werden to add more cars - inside, there is a list of preferences of developers that many of the cars in the SPEED World vorsieht.http://www.rsgoldshop.com/