How to Eliminate Plastic Colour from Hair

Do you know that why most wig are colorful? Are you scared of these brilliant colour will do some harm to our body? There is a colour called Plastic, it often used in art or art projects. Although h2o, but it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Below are some methods for human hair wigs getting rid of polymer from the locks without damaging head in the process.
The first strategy to use locks hair shampoo. Wet the locks with hot h2o or take a warmed shower. Put some locks hair shampoo to the locks and massage properly. Wash it twice and use a clear brush it very properly.
The second strategy use oil. We all know that some olive oil can take away the dirty on our skin. Run your hands through the part of the locks with the colour. And take a fine –toothed fresh, take the colour off properly. And once the colour has been completely eliminated from the locks, you also need to use locks hair shampoo to fresh up trip locks.
You can also use to try taking the colour off is peanut butter. Apply it in synthetic wigs the same manner with the oil in the oil strategy.