we want to give the fans what they want

 the Playstation Now service at last week's CES. When can we expect this service to be available in the Philippines? This is something we are working very hard on, but we cannot yet give a timeline. 8. I would also like to bring up a common complaint among Playstation owners in the Philippines, that we can make US and Japan accounts, but not Philippines accounts. To purchase Runescape games and services from these other regions, we have to use international credit cards or point cards. When will we get a PSN system for the country? One thing that I would like everyone to understand is that we have been working very hard to deliver this. If it were up to us, it would have been set up a long time ago but unfortunately, it's not just up to us. We understand that fans want this to be accessible in the Philippines, and we want to give the fans what they want. At this point we cannot really say when, but we have been working very hard at trying to set everything up. There are several factors involved, not just Sony Philippines or the Sony headquarters. We are working with several entities to finally set it up, but I really cannot give a timeline yet. 9. PSN itself was recently incorporated into SEN, or Sony Entertainment Network accounts, that also delivers video, music, and other content. Did you have to take all the rights and distributors for all this other content in mind while setting up the account system? There's no issue within Sony, I would like to make that very clear. It's more of external factors affecting it. 10. Is it more about the economics of it? Is it feasible? It's doable, but it requires groundwork, for one. There is also the external entities that we need to deal with. Again, Sony is not the issue. 11. OK, so anecdotally, I've been looking around, and I've seen a few Sony Centre stores close shop in the past year. Are there still any Sony Centres? There are a lot. We have a little under 30 Sony Centres. We actually have several distribution channels, including Sony Centres, gadget shops, Vaio stores (PCs), and Sony Alpha shops (cameras). 12. So you can just bring your broken Playstation to one of these stores to have them fixed? Actually, RS 3 Gold you can bring them to the service centers. We have the most service centers nationwide, more than any other brand out there. You can follow Sony Philippines on Facebook and Twitter. We want to thank Zhorida Lipayon for her time and look forward to hearing about other things Sony related from her soon. You can also check out a small gallery of images we have from the event below.Dead Rising 3 Gets 13 GB Update, Missing A Changelog. Capcom has discreetly released a 13 GB update for Xbox One exclusive Dead Rising 3, notably lacking guidance from Microsoft or Capcom, or a changelog.The update comes without an official explanation still, but what we know so far comes crowdsourced from various forms and fansites.